

Amber Caka – Administrative Specialist


Phone: 361-798-3681

Fax: 361-798-5952

Parade Permit

Parade Application Permit (PDF)

Building Permits

For a building permit application/instructions or for more information regarding an asbestos survey, click on one of the following links:

Contractor License Application (PDF)

Building Permit Requirements(PDF)

Asbestos Survey  (PDF)

Residential Home Permit (PDF)

Residential & Commercial Plumbing Permit (PDF)

Commercial Permit (PDF)

Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler Application (PDF)

Annual Fire Safety Inspection Application (PDF)

Lamppost Street Banner Permit (PDF)


Development in the Flood Plain

Please review the ordinance throughly if your property is in the floodplain: Floodplain Ordinance

To find out if your property is in the flood plain you can go to this FEMA map website:

Manufactured Homes 

Please review the ordinance thoroughly before considering purchasing and/or moving a manufactured home into the City limits: Manufactured Home Ordinance

Specific Use Permit Checklist (PDF)

Specific Use Permit Application (PDF)

Distributed Generation (Solar, Wind, etc.)

 Please review ordinance 11.1300 for the City of Hallettsville’s code on Distributed Generation.  Below is a copy of the application required to begin the process.  Below is a copy of the agreement, and above is a copy of our permit applications that will be required before work can begin.

Distributed Generation Application

Distributed Generation Agreement

Sign Ordinance

The City of Hallettsville has a sign ordinance to establish reasonable regulations for the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of all exterior signs in the city and/or its extraterritorial jurisdication in order to: 1) Balance the right of individuals to identify their businesses and convey their messages and the right of the public to be protected against the unrestricted proliferation of signs; 2) Protect the public health, safety and welfare; 3) Reduce traffic hazards; 4) Facilitate the creation of an attractive and harmonious community; 5) Protect property values; 6) Promote economic development; and 7) Preserve the right of free speech exercised through the use of signs.

Please review the ordinance throughly, before considering the construction of a sign within the City limits or ETJ: Sign Ordinance

Sign Permit Application (PDF)

Solicitation License

The City of Hallettsville Police Department is responsible for processing the City’s solicitation license. A link to the application is provided below. The Police department will perform a background check on each solicitor and has up to 10 working days to complete the processing of an application.

Solicitation License Application (PDF)