
Emergency Number: 9-1-1
Dispatch Non-Emergency Number: 361-798-2121
City of Hallettsville Police Department Administrative Office
104 East Fourth Street
Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Phone: 361-798-3683
Fax: 361-798-9969
The City of Hallettsville Police Department is responsible for processing the City’s solicitation license. A link to the application is provided below. The Police department will perform a background check on each solicitor and has up to 10 working days to complete the processing of an application.
Solicitation License Application
The Hallettsville Police Department consistently and with uniformity strives to maintain social order and provide professional law enforcement services to citizens in the community, within prescribed ethical, budgetary, and constitutional constraints. This agency strives to enforce the law and maintain order in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing the need for justice, and the consistent appearance of justice. The Chief of Police recognizes that no law enforcement agency can operate at its maximum potential without supportive input from the citizens it serves. This agency actively solicits and encourages the cooperation of all citizens to reduce and limit the opportunities for crime and to assist in bringing to justice those that break the law.
Integrity: The Hallettsville Police Department is built upon a foundation of ethical and professional conduct. We are committed to the highest level of moral principles and ethics. All members of the department will adhere to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
Honesty: We will be truthful and trustworthy at all times.
Fairness: We are committed to equal application of the law to offenders and members of the public as well as the equal application of rules and regulations to all members of the department.
Courage: We are dedicated to meeting all challenges with the courage needed to accomplish our mission.
Compassion: We understand our role as community caretakers, and temper our application of the law with compassion and empathy.
In Memoriam and Tribute to
Sergeant Timothy Crume